Monday, August 31, 2009

Isn't it interesting...

Here I am, involved in a business that's all about family fun and quality time, and I find myself fighting to make time for my own children. But, admittedly as a single mother, working hard at different jobs just to make ends meet, time is something I have in short supply. I knew there are others facing the same problem.

So my solution is...I don't know for sure. I don't think there's one magic answer to that question. I don't think I'll find some formula that will make time magically appear in my day and automatically maximize the few precious moments I have with my kids. A simpler solution is called for here. And here is what I have determined.

Focus on the moment.

Like last night. We had guests for supper and I decided we should make smores. In retrospect, it could not have been aworse idea; Sunday night, the fire won't start, and we all smell like smoke before bed to start a fresh new school week. I could have focused on that, or focused on the fact that my kids were happy, we had a nice time, and the smores were tasty.

Maybe, instead of searching for life altering solutions, I should just try to alter my attitude about the life I have.

September F3 Webzine!

So, we just finsihed formatting and posting our Spetmeber issue of the F3 webzine. There is a lot of content I'm very excited about, and proud of.

There's some suggestions for celebrating and commemorating these fun upcoming holidays:

  • National Wildlife Day
  • National Eat Outside Day
  • National Honey Month

And as always, super cool columns from Darla and Tamra.

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